Good plumbing is the foundation of any good bathroom

We are dedicated to providing sustainable solutions to make our homes smarter and more energy efficient to run. We strive to keep up with the latest technologies from around the globe so that we can provide up to date product knowledge.
Bathroom tap - Water Saving Devices

Water Saving Devices

Save water with a range of devices; timers, sensors and flow restrictors.
Water Tanks - Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting

Collect rain water and store it for later use.
Water Filtration

Water Filtration

Protect your health and plumbing fixtures.
Heat Recovery

Heat Recovery

Collect and re-use heat that would other- wise be lost.
LED Lighting

LED Lighting

Upgrade to LED lighting for energy efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint.


Save energy with the use of motion senors to control lighting and heating.


Smart home technology provides owners with security, comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency.